5 New Year Email Marketing Ideas To Start the Year Right

Dec 19, 2022
7 min.read

As the new year approaches, people are likely to spend money on items to help them complete their resolutions, so new year email marketing ideas are especially useful. It’s time to start thinking about your email marketing strategy for the year ahead. Whether you’re a small business owner or a marketer at a large corporation, email marketing can be an effective way to connect with your audience and drive engagement and sales.

New year email marketing ideas are refreshing because of what comes right before this time of the year the holiday season. While celebrating the major holidays is enjoyable, it also involves high-stress shopping as you try to find last-minute gifts. However, the end of the New Year’s Eve celebrations allows people to begin again. Excellent New Year’s marketing ideas will incorporate this revitalizing change and sense of optimism into your strategy.

New Year Email Marketing Ideas

The challenge for email marketers around the New Year: attracting shoppers who have been bruised and battered by an avalanche of last-minute, desperation-tinged emails, post-Christmas sales and closeouts, and real-world distractions such as travel, parties, and downtime, not to mention depleted wallets and exhausted credit cards.

Consumers, on the other hand, are eager to spend the gift money and gift cards that appeared in their stockings or via internet magic. Anything that promises a fresh start and a change of pace from the previous year will also be appealing.

Update your New Year’s email templates. Experiment with email subject lines, improve your copy, and A/B test design elements to get the New Year off to a good start.

Here are five best email marketing ideas to help you start the year off on the right foot:

1. Create a New Year’s resolution-themed campaign

Resolutions for the New Year are a common and widespread phenomenon. Everyone wishes they could restart their lives, start over with a clean slate, and make the world a better place. As a result, now is an excellent time to send out encouraging email newsletters.

What exactly should you send?

  • First, write copy that is filled with hope. It will encourage contacts to stay true to their intentions and think positively at all times.
  • Second, concentrate on products that can assist them in achieving their objectives. In this section, you must examine products purchased throughout the year. It will aid in segmenting your audience based on their preferences.
  • Finally, select products that can be used as a reward for subscribers’ hard work. It could be small items or coupons with future discounts.

Let’s have a look at Email Newsletter from Ulysses News.

2. Offer a limited-time promotion

Everyone loves a good deal and offering a limited-time promotion in your email marketing can be an effective way to drive engagement and sales. This could be a discount on a specific product, a bundle deal, or a free trial of your service.

However, it is important to plan ahead of time before offering discounts. You must be aware of how discounting can affect profit margins and sales targets. It is critical that you:

  • Understand your current profit margin and breakeven point.
  • Determine the best discount price at which you can still make a profit.
  • Create a solid marketing strategy to attract new customers and reactivate inactive customers.
  • Discover what your competitors have to offer.

Choose an effective email subject line as well. You could use a subject line like “Special New Year offer just for you – Happy New Year!” Use plain text over your background image to draw readers’ attention. Select a pleasing background image, simple text, and a few call-to-action buttons.

3. Provide a review or round-up of user activity

Given how automated and robotic everything has become, personalization adds a human touch to your digital messaging, which is essential in building trust and relationships with your loyal customers.

So, use this opportunity to speak with your user one-on-one about how the previous 12 months went. Pull the metrics of their unique activity with your business, which can make the users feel special, realizing how much you care about their relationship with your brand.

4. Promote your products

This is a very straightforward and simple way to send a new year email without offering a discount. We all know what the new year is all about:

  • New Year’s Resolutions
  • Partying

Why not use these two new year clichés to remind your customers what your product or service can do for them during this festive season?

Here is an example of creativity and relevance.

Thank you for a wonderful year

Typically, at the end of the year, consumers consider all of their subscriptions and decide whether they want to continue using them. An email newsletter thanking subscribers can help to reduce churn and build long-term relationships with customers. While shaping the copy, make it appear genuine and personalized.

Increase Your Sales with These New Year Email Marketing Ideas

That’s all there is to it. Five New Year’s marketing ideas that will boost your sales.

The holiday season is a time for impulse purchases and for many people to make major life changes.

As a marketer who plays their cards correctly, you can broaden your reach and build customer loyalty with these smart New Year marketing ideas.