How to Get an Email Marketing List for Your Etsy shop

calendarOct 24, 2022
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email list

Do you want to know how to get an email marketing list from your Etsy shop to list in order to send marketing emails?

There is no direct way to send marketing emails to your buyers through Etsy, instead you must instead get your Etsy customers to sign up for your own separate email list.

If you’re an Etsy seller looking for an effective way to market your products, creating an Etsy email list should be a top priority. While learning how to build an email list on Etsy isn’t difficult, some Etsy store owners are unfamiliar with the process.

How to get an email marketing list for your Etsy shop?

If you have an Etsy shop and keep hearing that you should “build an email list,” but you have no idea how to get started or what you are allowed to do on Etsy when it comes to email marketing, this article will walk you through all of the steps and details required to build and grow your Etsy email list.

Etsy’s Email Address Policies

Etsy has strict rules about using customer email addresses and requires that any communication you have with customers be Etsy-related. That means you can’t use Etsy conversations to ask people to join your mailing list.

It’s also worth noting that you can’t simply add Etsy buyers to your email list without their permission. This can get you kicked off Etsy and is also a violation of spam laws.

Select an E-mail Service Provider

The first step is to think about your email service provider. To send messages to your subscriber list, you must use the right email service provider.

Here are some of the most popular options for you.

  • Xoopah
  • Mailchimp
  • ActiveCampaign
  • Sendfox
  • ConvertKit
  • Getresponse

Before making a final decision, look into as many options as possible. Take advantage of the free trial period that most reputable and well-known email marketing tools like Xoopah provide.


Create a Landing Page

A landing page where people can subscribe to your list should be part of your email marketing strategy. On your landing page, you should include basic information about your company.

Create fields for potential and current customers to enter their contact information. In most cases, simply asking for a name and email address is sufficient, and requesting additional information is unnecessary.

Your opt-in should be clean and simple. You don’t want it to be too long, but you also want to give customers a reason to join your Etsy email list.


Promote your Email opt-in

To increase the number of subscribers, promote your email opt-in. As an Etsy shop manager, you can share links in your:

  • Etsy profile page
  • Shop About page
  • Shop announcement
  • Shop header banner
  • Etsy listing descriptions
  • Message to Buyer
  • Printed collateral sent with orders
  • Digital products
  • Social media profiles
  • Non-Etsy shop website

Unfortunately, clickable links are not permitted in most of these areas on Etsy. Visitors will have to copy and paste the URL themselves. That is why it is critical to include text that provides a compelling incentive for copying and pasting the link and joining your email list.


Offer an incentive to Sign-Up

Try offering an incentive for signing up to help increase the success of getting new email addresses on your mailing list. You have numerous options. The main thing to remember here is that most people are wary of giving out their email addresses because they already get a lot of spam. Provide them with something of value. Here are a few examples:

  • Coupon codes
  • Giveaways or contests
  • Early or exclusive access to sales events or product launches
  • An eBook on your product, materials, or niche
  • Free training videos related to your expertise


Time To Take Action

When you browse Etsy, you’ll notice that many sellers aren’t attempting to build an email list and instead are directing people to their social media platforms and websites. However, having a way to contact customers directly gives you an advantage as an Etsy seller. It reduces your reliance on social media and the Etsy algorithm by allowing you to start building your shop on your own platform and bringing your customers with you.

The only way to get started with your email list is to create your landing page, offer incentives, and share your list all over your Etsy shop.